Random Twitter Information + IR Report


I am so totally abusing tweetshot today.
(EDIT: Tweetshot no longer works. Using twitter imbed now!)

First, I made a few comments on ALoY today. Falcom’s showing interest in possibly remaking Origin, Ys IV, and Ys V is Felghana did well.

Basically, in the end, most of these are saying ‘if Felghana does well…’ when people ask if they will port/remake the others. So it was all riding on how Felghana sold. These were from the end of Jan to even as recent as the end of April.

Now, I couldn’t use tweetshot on this, because the tweet was so long. (The Japanese have an unfair advantage in twitter. They really do! XD)

This is about the Zero no Kiseki ‘Ring of Judgement’ pre-story manga that will start in the Dengeki Maoh to be released on 5/27.

Estelle and the others work with a new Bracer in the Erebonia Empire, in a struggle against the Jester’s Jaegar.

That’s ten days! :D Yay~

IR Report
Falcom finally posted the IR report on the deal between them and XSEED.
You can locate it here.

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[ Falcom Investors Relations Page ]

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