Pleasenote that I’m unable to find any hard evidence to mark this as anything beyond a rumor.
Hachima has stated that Falcom has a quarterly report coming out that will reveal some interesting results about multiplatform efforts from the company and their releases.
In the next few months, we should expect to hear a lot of surprising announcements, not only including a return to the PC platform with the Kiseki series, but also 3DS ports of the games. As the Kiseki series has earned a large amount of sales this year, Falcom’s making the decision to move multiplatform with it, going for options on 3DS, smartphones, and PC.
This is apparently available on a quarterly report via Toyokeizai, but I’m unable to confirm this myself as of this time. Someone has since posted on Yahoo Messages saying that they can confirm the report being there.
I have other methods to dig out information, but that requires me being able to access sites I can’t get to at the moment, so I will continue to attempt to fuss around with my newly created Toyokeizai account, and to check other areas by that point as well. There’s a LOT of digging that will need to be done with this, unfortunately.
I’ve seen someone else tweeting about this, also. With Narugami’s help, I’ll try to get some confirmation from them and update this post.
Many thanks to Narugami for pointing this out to me.
>not only including a return to the PC platform with the Kiseki series
In a perfect world, Falcom would distribute their games worldwide on Steam.
Either way, it’d be great if they really went back to the PC market – the Vita flopped, and PSP’s limitations are rather annoying.
I actually don’t see the Vita as a flop, personally. The PS3’s sales, at this point in its launch, were *worse* than what the Vita has right now. The Vita still just needs ‘that game’ to come out to boost its sales to the PSP’s level.
The PC thing is a no-brainer, though. If Falcom is working with PhyreEngine, that devkit allows them to actually port out to PS3, Vita, and to PC.