Falcom Comment on Twitter Regarding Second Chapter and PSN

On April 18th, someone tweeted to Falcom saying that they wanted to play the Sora no Kiseki (Trails in the Sky) games on their Vita and wanted to know why there isn’t a downloadable version of SC.

Falcom’s answer:

“Sorry, we’re still investigating the possibility. SC is a first-gen two disc game, so Sony won’t convert it, and to make a DL version would take too much time.”

The tweet more or less implies that in order to make the game functional as it is would require a rewrite. However, it sounds like they’re still investigating a way to do it otherwise. With SC’s future in English speaking countries hanging over our heads, this is an interesting thing to note. However, while it sounds like it would be hard to make it work for PSN, it doesn’t sound like they’ve completely written it off.

Another tweet to @Hasemo gives a similar answer, but also adds that, in order to remake it for PSN, it would take about a year.

[ @NihonFalcom on Twitter ]

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