Shinki Kitsutsuki’s 30-Day Art Challenge for the new Sora no Kiseki SC Manga Release

Over the period of a month, Shinki Kitsutsuki- the artist for the manga adaptation of Sora no Kiseki FC, and currently for Sora no Kiseki SC- has done a lead up to new release line of the Sora no Kiseki SC manga series, since it was dropped by Famitsu and…

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Falcom Weekly Special – Week of 5/15/2017 – Trails in the Sky Original Soundtrack Set

To celebrate the reveal of Tita and Agate for The Legend of Heroes Sen no Kiseki III, Falcom has decided to make this week’s weekly special a set of the soundtracks for the Trails in the Sky (Sora no Kiseki) trilogy that started the now long-running Kiseki/Trails series. The Legend…

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Limited Time Trails in the Sky Bundle for Sale on for under $60 has posted a bundle with Trails in the Sky, Trails in the Sky SC, and Trails in the Sky the 3rd together. The retail cost of these games together is .97, but has a discount for them, bringing the price down 29% to $57.47. If you’re looking for…

Read More Limited Time Trails in the Sky Bundle for Sale on for under $60

[2017 NEW YEAR SPECIAL] Latest Release CD Set

Every year, Falcom releases their ‘New Year Special’ which is a much larger special collection compared to the rest of the weekly specials through the year. If you are interested in this, you will need to get onto it quickly, as these often sell out very fast. This year’s special…

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All Falcom Digital PC Titles on Are Currently on a 50% Off Sale has put all of their digital Falcom titles on sale for half off, and they will remain this way until 1/10. The games that are on sale on the site are listed below: Title Sale Price Ys I & II Chronicles 1,350 yen The Legend of Heroes Sora no…

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Fandom Friday 04: Falcom Fan-Made Music Arrangements

Happy Friday, everyone! While the holiday is careening to us at a more than rapid pace, we have an exciting week coming up, especially with Falcom’s shareholder meeting happening on 12/20. But for now, we should take a breather, and relax for the weeked. And for that reason, I’ve decided…

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[Fandom Friday] 03: Ys Fanart, Kiseki Scanslations, and Ys VIII Cosplay

This week is a small Fandom Friday, but I promise it’s a good one. This one will be pretty focused on Ys, obviously from the title. I have recently come across a brilliant Ys fanart to share, so that has been included in this week’s feature, as well.

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Falcom Weekly Special – Week of 11-28-2016 – Trails in the Sky FC PC Game + OST Set

The Legend of Heroes Sora no Kiseki FC (Win 8 Version) (Originally for 3200 yen) The Legend of Heroes Sora no Kiseki Original Soundtrack (Originally for 2980 yen) The Legend of Heroes Sora no Kiseki FC Evolution Original Soudntrack (Originally for 2980 yen) The total retail cost of this set…

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